Giving Cami something she has to go catch allows her to behave like a real Octopus, even if the chase is only across the length of her aquarium. I have been giving her crabs in a bottle with a screw-on lid to see if she can figure out how to get into it. No dice - so far, she is not one of "those" Octopuses - seems like she gives up too easily? However, when her prey is released she knows exactly what to do with it. Disclaimer: don't watch this video if you have a gentle heart towards crabs. Or, you can watch it, but hum to yourself the Lion King song "The Circle of Life" and you may be OK with it... and be sure to note her cool color changes as the action unfolds.
So fascinating to watch, from the disclaimer I thought it was going to be intense. I am fascinated that she doesn't get pinched from the crab in the process. So lovely to get to learn as you share about what happens below the water on the beach that I never see.