I was able to add several small hermit crabs, using olive shells for their homes. Also a few small snails. I saw several Wavy top snails, but they were too big for me to feed them properly. Also, a beautiful dark red shrimp that was too fast for me. I added a brittle star, who is now hiding somewhere under the algae, so will get a good picture of him later. I also added some Ulva algae, a beautiful green. The sea hares were inspecting it but I was not sure if they ate any.
My blennie is still eating well. She comes out to the side of the tank, and eats from my hand, or from the new long handled grabber I just got. My only problem with the frozen fish food is that it floats initially so need to hold it down until it stays. Also, it tends to break up and disperse before the crabs or blennie gets it. I need to research what other aquarists use – maybe a new food would help.