Ocean Concerns
This is a daunting page. Rather than take one look and give up, think of ways that you can make even a small impact to help the ocean in your part of the world, your neighborhood, your day. Do your part on things right in front of you – car pool, reduce single-use plastic use, choose seafood that is sustainable. Then, take your influence wider by voting in, volunteering for or donating to individuals and organizations that you believe will take on the role of ocean steward. Seek out organizations who are taking this role seriously, who are reaching out to enable communities whose next meal may depend on a healthy ocean.
Click on the links below to learn more about some of our most critical concerns including: Plastics in the ocean, ocean warming and acidification, overfishing, loss of ocean habitat, and ocean pollution.
Ocean Concerns
Here's an example of how plastics in the ocean affect marine life and ecosystems: